Japan Bike RentalsMotorcycle rentals and tours Japan

Mobile phone

4-7 days 1000 yen/day
8-11 days 900 yen/day
12+ days 800 yen/day
All prices include comprehensive motorcycle insurance and consumption tax.

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If you are concerned about telephone access while on your ride, we offer a rental phone for your touring safety. Some overseas phones do not work here in Japan, and some cannot dial emergency services such as police and ambulance (110 & 119). With this rental phone however, you will easily be able to contact emergency services, as well as Japan Bike Rentals, JAF roadside assist, hotels, onsen, restaurants, etc while on tour. Note that calls made within Japan are free. This phone can accept calls from overseas, but it is not possible to call out to an international number. There is also no SMS functionality on this phone (both domestic and international). This phone is good to have in the case of an emergency.